Sunday, October 4, 2009

Building update

I haven't blogged in a while, so I thought I would update everyone with whats going on.  We FINALLY finished framing and shingling our house.  It went up really fast, but then we started another house and most everyone left to work on it.  So Aaron and I have pretty much been finishing it ourselves. 
Here it is!  Our house was house #5 and now we are ready for insulation, then drywall, then stucco, then soffit and fascia!  It took us a surprisingly long time to finish the shingles.  First, whoever did the front was pretty careless and made them crooked, so we had to try and fix it.  Then, you see the ledge over the windows on the right, and the two little ledges over the windows on the left?  Those took FOREVER!  We had to keep getting up and down the ladder and cut shingles to get it done.  It pretty much sucked!  But I love how it looks, and I LOVE the shingle color!
Here is a shot of the inside.  I didn't take very many because from an outsider this probably looks like a bunch of wood, but in fact this is our living room and that triangle is our plant shelf.  To the left is the start of our insulation.
This is a shot of the archways that I built in our bedroom.  You are looking into our bathroom/closet area.  I am so proud of these.  They were fun to make.

Here is the progress of all the other houses.  Here is house #2.(I didn't take a picture of house #1 because it pretty much looks like #2 and I didn't want to drive to Payson.)
This house is getting ready to be painted, then it will get underlayment for the linoleum and fixtures(door knobs, etc) and cabinets.

Here's house #3(Jason and Lisa's house)
This house has been painted and is getting underlayment right now.

Here is house #4
This house is getting ready for stucco.  Their drywall has been hung and just needs to be mudded and then it can be painted.

House number 5 you already saw(ours).

House number #6
This house is ready for shingles and will hopefully be done this week.

House #7

We just started this one.  These people are actually right across the street from us.  They have almost all the exterior walls up and some of the interiors up.  Hopefully we can fly trusses before Saturday.

House #8 (a.k.a. the last house!)
I didn't want to get out of the car to actually take a picture of the footings, but that's what's been done.  The walls will be poured on Monday and hopefully the lumber will be delivered on Saturday!

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